Relief for New Mexico Residents Impacted by Wild Fires Residents of New Mexico affected by recent wild fires may be eligible for a temporary suspension of their premium payments to allow continuing insurance coverage. Learn More

Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance

Unions take great strides to ensure a safe and productive workplace, yet accidents happen.

Accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) insurance is an insurance policy that pays a death benefit upon the accidental death of an insured or upon the loss of a limb due to an accident.

These kinds of unforeseen events are exactly why The Union Labor Life Insurance Company (Union Labor Life) was founded. Our Group Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance policies provide economical coverage should a member have a serious accident, on or away from the workplace.

Plans Designed for the Union Workplace

Since the union market is our focus, we understand what plan sponsors need. That’s why our plan designs include benefits specific to unions, including

  • Workplace Accidental Death Benefits. The standard benefit is doubled for union members should a fatal accident occur in the workplace or while commuting to or from work.
  • Strike Waiver of Premium (Not available in all states). We offer to waive the plan premium for up to one year during a lawful strike authorized by the union or when union members are locked out as the result of a labor dispute exceeding 30 days.

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