Relief for New Mexico Residents Impacted by Wild Fires Residents of New Mexico affected by recent wild fires may be eligible for a temporary suspension of their premium payments to allow continuing insurance coverage. Learn More


  1. Please contact the Claims Department at (888) 855.4261 Monday to Friday from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM – eastern, for information and guidance in filing a claim. Claim forms are also available upon request.

  2. Claims should be filed as soon as you know you have to stop working due to a disability. Policy requirements vary, and the sooner you file a claim, the quicker the Claim Department can begin evaluating your eligibility for benefits.

  3. Typically, zero days for an injury or seven (7) days for an illness. In addition to being out of work, you must also be under treatment for your disability.

  4. Your fund office should be able to assist you in determining your eligibility. Typically, this is determined by the number of banked hours you have accumulated.

  5. Benefit amounts vary by policy. Your fund office should be able to assist in determining the benefit amount.

  6. No, direct deposit is currently not available for Short Term Disability benefits. Benefits are paid by check.

  7. No, direct deposit is currently not available for Short Term Disability benefits. Benefits are paid by check.

  8. Benefits are paid once a week.

  9. Benefits are paid as long as you remain disabled, subject to the maximum benefit period, described in the policy, which is typically 26 weeks.

  10. If your Workers Compensation claim was denied, and you meet the definition of disability according to the policy, you may be eligible for benefits. However, before eligible benefits are payable, you will have to provide a copy of the Workers Compensation denial.

    Additionally, you will need to submit a completed and signed reimbursement agreement, wherein you state that you agree to reimburse the benefits paid to you if your Workers Compensation claim is subsequently approved.

Loss of Time Forms

Statutory Disability Claim Forms

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