Relief for New Mexico Residents Impacted by Wild Fires Residents of New Mexico affected by recent wild fires may be eligible for a temporary suspension of their premium payments to allow continuing insurance coverage. Learn More

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Mae S. Palmer

Assistant Vice President, Marketing, Ullico Casualty Group


Mae Palmer is the Assistant Vice President, Marketing, for Ullico Casualty Group, LLC.  She joined Ullico in 2008 as a Marketing Analyst.  She manages general marketing, broker relations, client relations and communications from the property and casualty business unit.  Ms. Palmer is also responsible for generating new business opportunities for the company and planning events.

Previous to her position in Ullico, Ms. Palmer served as Business Development Paralegal for a law firm in Washington, DC and monitored client relations with its Taft-Hartley fund clients, including enrolling new funds and distributing communication to its existing client base.

Ms. Palmer has an English degree with a Creative Writing focus from Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA, where she was a John Dickinson Scholar and published articles in local periodicals.  During this time, she was also a dispatcher at a police station and served as Vice President of Communications for her local Pi Beta Phi chapter.

She holds a P&C producer’s license in Washington, DC and is a member of the Professional Liability Underwriting Society and the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.