Relief for New Mexico Residents Impacted by Wild Fires Residents of New Mexico affected by recent wild fires may be eligible for a temporary suspension of their premium payments to allow continuing insurance coverage. Learn More

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Brian J. Hale

CEO and President, Ullico Inc.


Brian Hale is a third-generation union member who works every day to support and advance the labor movement. As CEO and President of Ullico Inc., he leads the only labor-owned insurance and investment company in the United States. Founded over 95 years ago, the company’s insurance products protect union leaders, union members, and signatory contractors while its investments support union pension funds and help create union jobs.

Mr. Hale is also chairman of the Ullico Foundation and a member of The National Coordinating Committee for Multiemployer Plans (NCCMP) board of directors. He is also a co-founder and board member of the John William Hale Foundation, a non-profit corporation that provides monetary assistance to union laborers who are injured or killed while working. To all these roles, Mr. Hale brings a unique combination of deep labor roots, business credentials, and years of senior executive leadership experience.

Mr. Hale rose through the ranks at Ullico, serving in various positions, working closely with the Ullico senior management and board of directors, and taking responsibility for a broad range of day-to-day operations. He has been intimately involved in business planning and cultivating strategic partnerships for the organization.

Prior to joining Ullico, Mr. Hale worked for the Laborers’ International Union of North America’s (LIUNA) Tri-Funds, where he advanced a broad range of issues in the construction industry that promoted Labor/Management cooperation.

Born and raised in The Volunteer State, Mr. Hale earned a degree in finance from The University of Tennessee and an MBA from Cumberland University in Tennessee. Today he lives in Alexandria, Virginia with his wife and son.